Knoxville Women's Rehab | Knoxville Drug Rehab | Knoxville Abuse Center for Women
Agape is a home for Adult women, many who are homeless and all who are recovering from chemical dependency or are co-occuring. Meaning chemical dependency and mental health issues. We have been serving the Knoxville community for over 41 years. The word Agape means “unconditional love†and that is what these women receive here after a lifetime of being trapped in the cycle of repeated relapse, detox, and return to addiction. This situation is devastating not only to the women themselves, but to their children who were, in effect, left without mothers.
Among many things we provide counseling, teaching life skills and education on maintaining a drug-free lifestyle, as well as parenting skills. We provide these women with food, shelter, and clothing, as well as transportation for less than $100 a day. When our clients come to Agape 100% are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, unemployed, and homeless in many cases. When they complete our program 100% are drug free and 100% are employed full time. Most of our clients are mothers and many experts agree that the disease of addiction is transgenerational. Breaking the cycle of addiction not only helps this generation but the next generation, as well.
Every Woman a Healthy Woman.
Mission Statement
To promote and support the healthy development of women through innovative counseling practices.
Core Values
Strong dedication and commitment to excellence;
Service through proven best practices, accountability, integrity and ethics.
Linking Women to Better Lives
428 E Scott Ave
Knoxville TN 37917
Tel: 865 525-1661
