Recovery Community
Nashville Half Way House - Drug rehab, sober living, addiction treatment

Recovery Community, Inc. is a Transitional Living Facility (halfway house) in Nashville, TN, that provides safe and affordable housing for people suffering with alcohol and drug addictions.

Recovery Community
PO Box 68518
Nashville TN 37206
Tel: 615 569-3174
Fax: 615 739-5185

Mission Statement: We are a client centered, recovery community building healthy relationships in an alcohol and drug free environment. We focus on honesty, accountability, spirituality, productivity and integrity.

Recovery Community, Inc. is a Transitional Living Facility in Nashville, Tennessee, that provides safe and affordable housing for people suffering with alcohol and drug addictions. Our clients include people on probation and parole, people who are discharging from Inpatient Treatment Centers, and Drug Court Clients. We also have clients who have been referred to us from friends and family members, who are looking to find a new way of life in an alcohol and drug free environment.

We are proud to be partners with Trevecca Community Church, Judge Casey Moreland’s Division X Treatment Court, and Drug Courts throughout the state. We are also service partners with the Alcohol and Drug Council of Middle Tennessee, Nashville Area Recovery Alliance, Project Return, Continuum Dual Diagnosis Center, Mental Health Co-Op, Middle TN Mental Health Institute, Centerstone, and Skyline Madison Intensive Outpatient Facility.

Our half way houses and apartments are located conveniently on bus lines, near grocery stores, churches, shopping and job opportunities. We give our residents the tools they need to build a strong recovery foundation and make positive changes and choices in their lives.
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