New Life Lodge
Tennessee Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center - Residential Rehabilitation Programs
Premier Tennessee drug rehabilitation, drug rehab center substance abuse and alcohol treatment center near Nashville 866.836.8125. Offers comprehensive drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs for addiction and alcoholism for adolescents and adults, including cutting-edge online treatment programs.
New Life Lodge
999 Girl Scout Rd
Burns TN 37029
Tel: 866 836-8125
The Residential Rehabilitation Programs for adults and adolescents at New Life Lodge are for a variable length of stay, plus any applicable detoxification period. These programs provide a 24 hour a day medical and counseling staff to monitor and provide care for the client.
New Life Lodge provides a supportive but challenging environment in which patients can identify their chemical dependent behavior and develop life skills leading to recovery. Following a comprehensive intake assessment by our credentialed and experienced staff, each individual is provided with a clinically structured program designed to fit his/her own personal needs.
The therapeutic regimen consists of daily individual and group counseling as well as educational assistance. Counseling and group therapy is gender specific while all other activities are co-ed.
Our professional team of physicians, nurses and counselors continuously measure the clients' progress. This underlies the treatment philosophy at New Life Lodge which believes that an individual's length of stay is determined by clinically sound and criteria based measurements.
Activities off site include bowling and picnics in neighboring parks or in Nashville. Clients may also attend staff-selected Nashville AA meetings.
The Adolescent Program at New Life Lodge provides services to male and female adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18. Adolescent treatment is separate from the adult program.
There is a strong emphasis on self-discipline, responsibility, accountability, and spirituality, for all our clients. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous meetings are an integral part of the daily programming along with the need for continuing care follow-up.
