Cumberland Heights
Drug And Alcohol Treatment Center Outpatient Drug Treatment Center Adolescent Drug Rehab Center: Cumberland Heights Nashville Tennessee
Cumberland Heights in Nashville, Tennessee is a drug and alcohol treatment center, an outpatient drug treatment center and an adolescent drug rehab center.
Cumberland Heights
PO Box 90727
Nashville TN 37209
Phone: 615 352-1757; 800 646-9998
The Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center for You
With over 40 years of experience caring for the whole person, Cumberland Heights has the experience and programs to bring hope for recovery to you or a loved one struggling with addiction.
* Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center
* Outpatient Drug Treatment Center
* Adolescent Drug Rehab Center
* Women’s Rehab
* Executive Drug Rehab
* Addiction Relapse Prevention
* Long Term Drug Rehab
* Addiction Relapse Prevention
* Addiction and Recovery
Learn about the various faces of addiction and paths to recovery:
* Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery
* Heroin Addiction Treatment and Recovery
* Alcohol Dependency Treatment and Recovery
* Cocaine Addiction Treatment and Recovery
* Crystal Meth Treatment and Recovery
