Buffalo Valley
People Helping People, Help Themselves
Buffalo Valley
501 Park Ave S
Hohenwald TN 38462-1974
Tel: 931 796-2766; 800 447-2766
Buffalo Valley's (BVI) philosophy of treatment views alcohol and drug addiction as a primary, chronic and progressive disease and that the treatment of addiction and co-occurring disorders are done in a coherent manner focusing on both the addiction and the mental health conditions equally and simultaneously preserving & promoting the dignity of the persons served without regard to race, color, creed, gender, economic or social circumstance, sexual orientation, or national origin.
Buffalo Valley is devoted to addressing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual’s life including the impact on the family through an evidenced based multi-dimensional treatment approach. The complexity of the disease requires a culturally competent and non-judgmental and non-stigmatizing approach to treatment that emphasizes the establishment of inter-personal and social support in the recovery process that becomes a sustaining component to long-term health and functioning.
At Buffalo Valley our belief is that chemical dependency is a primary, progressive and chronic disease that can be fatal and therefore, it is imperative that the alcoholic/addict be treated as a person suffering from an illness. Chemical dependency results from a number of causative factors including those which physiological, psychological, spiritual and social in nature and origin. Therefore, our treatment approach addressed the individual needs of each person seeking our help. Assessments identify the presence of conditions contributing to substance use/abuse and how alterations of these conditions may contribute to a positive treatment outcome.
Buffalo Valley believes that individuals who demonstrate an inability to adequately and consistently abstain from the use of alcohol and/or other mood altering chemicals through outpatient treatment attempts require a residential, drug free environment as a desirable first step in their rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation, in this context, includes both total abstinence from alcohol and other mood altering drugs and therapeutic interventions to stabilize the various life and health problems resulting from substance dependence.
Buffalo Valley welcomes all clients in need of recovery from co-occurring disorders. We understand that co-occurring disorders are an expectation and not an exception, and screening needs to be part of the intake process to determine if other services may be needed for successful treatment. We strive to provide life-enhancing recovery options that are stage matched for individuals. It is our mission to provide integrated services related to alcohol and drug addiction and other psychiatric disorders in order to improve the quality of recovery from these diseases. It is part of our program to provide referrals and support for linkage to services related to these other co-occurring conditions and incorporate those services into the clients’ recovery plan. We recognize clients often have addiction, other psychiatric disorders, and medical conditions that interact and impact their quality of life. In order to provide the most holistic and comprehensive recovery treatment, we recognize the importance of integrating attention to addiction, other psychiatric, and medical issues throughout the treatment process at Buffalo Valley to help clients achieve the best stabilization in all life areas.
Buffalo Valley views people as basically good with an inherent ability to learn, to respond and to grow. However, the addiction process distorts these abilities and therefore, covers one’s feelings of worth and goodness. We educate the individual regarding the nature of the illness and the effect on the individual, his/her family and/or significant other.
Our philosophy is oriented to the 12 Step recovery process of supporting changes in thinking and behavior that will enhance the recovery process for the individual.
